Fracino Bambino
The Bambino is a top quality 1 or 2 group espresso coffee machine with semi-automatic or electronic run time options. From the UK’s only manufacturer of espresso and cappuccino coffee machines, each machine has a hot water facility and steam tube for frothing and steaming milk. All have large capacity boilers, high-powered elements and are hand built to the highest standards using only the finest stainless steel, copper and brass.
All working surfaces, steam and hot water tubes are made in 304 stainless steel, with Zintec powder coated chassis in attractive metallic anthracite or stainless steel side panels for a luxury finish.

- Top quality copper boiler heated by multiple looped element.
- Pressure controlled by a triple contact pressure switch.
- Automatic water level system with a probe, electronic control unit and solenoid valve.
- The pressure of water and steam is separately controlled by brass safety valves.
- 120mm clearance on 2 group machines. 1 group machines have standard 110mm clearance.
- Hot water and steam are released by rotating the valve handles on the solid brass valves.
- Brass bodied group with stainless shower plate, solenoid valve and high pressure pump.
- Thermosyphonic circulation ensures the group is kept constantly hot for perfect coffee making.
- Case, waste and cup tray are all made from stainless steel 304.
- Cup shield and espresso tray come as standard on luxury models and are available as an optional extra on all other models.
- Easy clean steam tubes.
1 Group
- Height: 480mm
- Depth: 500mm
- Width: 380mm
- Weight: 35kg
2 Group
- Height: 480mm
- Depth: 500mm
- Width: 580mm
- Weight: 55kg
Electrical Rating
- Voltage: 230v AC
- Current: 13 amp
- Frequency: 50 Hz
Energy Consumption
- 1 group: 2.7KW
- 2 group: 2.8kw
Plumbing requirements
- Water should be supplied from a rising main.
- The pipe work should be no more than one metre from the machine.
- The pipe work should be terminated with a 15mm stopcock
- Americano
- Double Espresso
- Espresso
Business Benefits
Save time and money
On average, staff will take 5 minutes to make themselves a hot drink. For a company with 30 staff, this would equate to 7.5 hours downtime a day for 3 drinks per person. At £14 per hour wages, that’s £27,300 a year spent on time making drinks the traditional way...
...A drinks machine can make a delicious drink in 20 seconds.
Internal Culture
People are demanding better quality coffee, or spending time away from the business to buy it. Bringing a bean to cup machine into your working environment changes all that – and creates a place where staff can engage with each other. Morale is always improved when fresh coffee is available in the workplace.
Hassle Free
You can opt for our full servicing and supply package and we’ll take care of everything, ensuring your machine is kept clean, serviced for optimal performance and manage supplies. Or, for our smaller machines, we can offer training to keep your machine clean, although our engineers are always on call should you require technical support.